Warning: Click Here for New TCC Requirements for Existing Users!!
Updated: 11/17/2021 1:56 PM
To get started, please use the navigation panel, to the left, to select the documentation page you wish to view.
The support documentation is currently under development. The pages that have been written are up and new documentation will be added over time. Our team is working diligently on updating all of our documentation for all 1099Express programs and website functions.
If there is information that is missing or would like documentation to be re-evaluated for wording or clarity, please send an email to 'doc-suggest@1099express.com' and our team will evaluate and update any information as needed. This does not guarantee that the requested change will be made, but a way for you (the user) to provide feedback on our documentation. If a page is updated, the data and time (in Central Time) will be displayed as the first line below the title.
These documentation pages are categorized by Program Type / Location (Website, 1099 Express, W-2 Express, etc.) for easier navigation for finding what you need help with. Any item that is common between multiple programs (installing, activating, etc.) can be found under the 'Common Software Functions'. Generally, if you need help with a specific button or action, please use the search bar above the navigation panel on the left side. The navigation search does not have spell check so your search needs to be exact. If you wish to find information and are not sure what navigation page you need to look at, please try using the search bar in the top center of our page on the main navigation bar.
Errors for a given section, if an error or message will display from doing an action from a given button, will be listed at the bottom of that specific section with the message and why it happens. If a error is not listed, please note it with images and a description of what action were taken when the given error and send an email to 'doc-suggest@1099express.com'.